The Spectator

Who uses Grindr? 

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Meet market

Who uses the gay dating app Grindr? 

– The site claims 27m users worldwide, 80.5% of whom identify as gay.

13m users are active on a monthly basis. Some 923,000 are paid users.

80% are younger than 35.

39% are single.

48% are in the US.

– The average user is on the site for 60 minutes per day.

– The ‘explore’ feature – which allows users to see who on the app lives in a particular town or city – is accessed more in London than any other city in the world.

– Grindr accounts for 3% of global use of dating apps. The most popular is Tinder, which accounts for 27% of global use.

Source: grindr/

Hate: by numbers

Police Scotland reported the receipt of 8,000 hate crime reports in the first week of operation of the new hate crime law.  How does that compare with reports of hate crimes prior to the new law?

– In the whole of 2021/22 Police Scotland received 6,927 reports of hate crimes.    Since 2014/15 this number has fluctuated between 6,300 and 7,000 annually.

– In 2022/23 the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service brought 5,738 charges where there was at least one element of hate crime. Of these:

3,145 involved race   

– 722 disability

1,884 sexual orientation

576 religion    

55 transgender issues

Full house

How has Britain’s housing stock changed over the past two decades?

2002 2022

Number of homes – 25.0m         

Owner occupied – 17.3m          

Privately rented – 2.5m            

Rented from housing association – 1.7m            

Rented from local authority – 3.4m          


Number of homes – 29.3m

Owner occupied – 18.9m

Privately rented – 5.4m

Rented from housing association – 3.0m

Rented from local authority – 2.0m

Training deaths

How many members of the armed forces die in training or on military exercises?  

– Since 2000 there have been 162 such deaths. Some 139 involved regular forces and 23 reservists.

121 involved injury, 31 disease and 10 were of uncertain cause.

109 were in the British Army, 27 the Royal Navy and 26 the RAF.

– The most deadly year was 2001 when 16 died, 14 regular forces and 2 reservists.

– The least deadly year was 2019 when one reservist and no regular forces died.
