Anshel Pfeffer

Anshel Pfeffer is the Israel correspondent for the Economist, a correspondent for British and Israeli newspapers and the author of Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Philip Eade, Dominic Green, Anshel Pfeffer and Lionel Shriver

32 min listen

On this week’s episode, Philip Eade, biographer to Prince Philip, reads his obituary of the Prince. We’re also joined by Dominic Green, Spectator USA’s Life and Arts Editor, who reads his article on Prince Harry’s new job. Anshel Pfeffer reports on life in Israel under the vaccine passport; and Lionel Shriver on the West’s self-doubt

In Israel, vaccine passports are already redundant

Jerusalem The vaccination centre where I got my jabs was in the cavernous foyer of the Jerusalem Arena, Israel’s largest indoor sports venue. Through the locked glass doors, I could see the seats where my 15-year-old and I spent so many hours cheering on our basketball team. Putting my ear to the door, I could

Netanyahu’s shot at election success

For Israeli critics of Benjamin Netanyahu, myself included, these are rather difficult times. It’s hard for us, or anyone, to deny that he appears to be leading the world in vaccinations against Covid-19. In less than four weeks, two million Israelis — my parents and many friends among them — have received their inoculations. A

With Trump’s endorsement, Netanyahu may survive

Benjamin Netanyahu’s face at the online campaign event his Likud party hosted on Wednesday afternoon was pale and drawn. A new series of allegations was coming out from the legal authorities, pounced upon by an eager press, and it was at the worst possible timing. Less than three weeks before the election on April 9,